Asian Women’s Leadership Resources


LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES: An Asian American and Pacific Islander Woman’s Lens

1. This study was undertaken by the former Asian Pacific American Women’s Leadership Institute (APAWLI) currently the Center for Asian Pacific American Women to (a) identify the leadership skills, perceptions and insights of Asian American and Pacific Islander women; and (b) understand their participation and impact in higher education, government, and private and non-profit sectors.
The study also provides a benchmark from which to develop recommendations – including organizational and individual strategies – to increase the representation of Asian American and Pacific Islander women in leadership roles. APAWLI 5 Year Report


2. Catalyst – Advancing Women Board Directors and Women Making the Connection:
Catalyst has counted the number of women on Fortune 500 boards and in corporate officer positions for more than ten years. Corporate officers are the highest-level executives in an organization, often board-appointed or board-approved.The resulting censuses show that women have steadily gained access to this elite level of corporate leadership, but that in the last two years progress has stalled.Why is it important to break down the barriers to top leadership positions? What are the benefits of more women on corporate boards and in corporate officer ranks? Read more. Advancing Women Board Directors and Women Making the Connection.pdf
3.Catalyst – Asian American Women Facts
Did you know that Asian American women make up only 2.1% of the labor workforce in 2007? According to a study by Catalyst, there are  3,721, 000 Asian-American women in the labor force, 1,479,000 women in leadership positions, and 3.5% graduating with higher education degrees. Why is it that Asian-American women are graduating with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at a higher rate than they are obtaining jobs in management positions? Read this PDF to learn more about this.  qt_Asian_American_Women.pdf
4.Catalyst – Women in Financial Services:
According to the 2007 Catalyst Census of Women Corporate Officers, which counts the number of women in upper management in Fortune 500 companies women are 16.6% of corporate officers in the finance and insurance industries. In addition, women are 16.1% of board directors in the finance and insurance industries in Fortune 500 companies. Want to know more facts about how many women are in specific areas of financial services? Click this link to discover more.    qt_Women_in_Financial_Services.pdf
5.Catalyst – Women in High Tech:
A recent Catalyst study revealed that there are more men in high technical fields than there are women. In fact, women make up 22.4% of the population of engineering technicians and only 8% are Engineering Managers. The number of women that are graduating with degrees in high-tech positions is also 22.4% while for men the percentage is 77.8%. Discover facts like these and more at the following link.    qt_Women_in_High_Tech.pdf
6.Catalyst – Women in Management:
The percentages and statistics for women in management around the world varies for each country. While there are 58% more women in management in the Philippines, there are 10.4% in Egypt. Click on this link to find out how these percentages vary in each country.  qt_Women_in_Management_Global_Comparison.pdf
7.Catalyst – The Bottom Line for Asian Women:
For those that learn better with visuals, this infographic is perfect for you! According to Catalyst, companies with more female board directors outperform those without them. The companies with more women represented on the board outperformed others in sales (by 42%) and have received more of a return on interest (by 66%). Click this link to find out more facts.   The Bottom Line for Asian Women.pdf
8.Catalyst – The Double-Bind Dilemma for Women in Leadership – Damned if You Do, Doomed if You Don’t:
As Catalyst research confirms, despite the numerous business contributions of women leaders, men are still largely seen as the leaders by default. It’s what researchers call the “think-leader-think-male” mindset.2 As “atypical leaders,” women are often perceived as going against the norms of leadership or those of femininity. Caught between impossible choices, those who try to conform to traditional—i.e., masculine—leadership behaviors are damned if they do, doomed if they don’t. Read this wonderful study on the challenges that women face in leadership. The Double-Bind Dilemma for Women in Leadership.pdf

Bay Area Corporate Census – Asian American Executives


9. Asian-American Executives: In 2000, the Asian community was 21.1% of the Bay Area population.This figure varies greatly by county, city, and ethnicity, but the center of gravity of a multi-ethnic Asian population has quietly shifted from urban San Francisco County (20% of Bay Area Asians), to sprawling, suburban Santa Clara County (35% of Bay Area Asians) driven by its technology-fueled job market.In brief, this report finds that the Asian population continues to be underrepresented through the highest Bay Area executive levels, especially in Silicon Valley. The dynamics for change, however, are different for Asian Indian and Pacific Rim Asian executives. Bay Area Corporate Census – Asian American Executives v1 2 2009-02.pdf
10.The McKinsey Quarterly – Centered:
“Women start careers in business and other professions with the same level of intelligence, education, and commitment as men. Yet comparatively few reach the top echelons.” The McKinsey Quarterly has developed a model called “model centered leadership” that is about having the emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual strength that in turn inspires others to follow. Want to find out more about this approach and whether or not you could try this with your company? Click here! Centered.pdf
11. The Failure of Asian Success – Asians as Corporate Executive Leaders: “Whether American-born or foreign-born, Asian-Americans have enjoyed a much-envied reputation for having achievement in education and technology. However, the modern tale of Asian success in American obscures the fact that Asians have found it difficult to reach the highest levels of leadership in government, education, and business.” Want to find out more? Click here! The Failure of Asian Success – Asians as Corporate Executive Leaders.pdf
12. Learn more about leadership based on Sun Tzu’s Art of War: Missed our video featured on all flights for April and May 2016  about “Industry Innovators” on TALK 360? See it here. Sign up for our 30 Day Challenge. Discover how to win in almost any situation. Go to Secrets of 10% for more information.