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Seize the Now

by | Feb 18, 2016 | #StartMyBusinessToday

By @ShiuanButler

I don’t have any kids and I absolutely love spending time with my client’s 2 year-old kid. Why? Because he makes me smile and laugh the whole time we’re together. He makes me feel special. Who’s counseling whom here? He makes me feel loved. And he makes me see and appreciate life for the first time through his eyes. We have so much to learn from little ones. He is in the present, every second.

Seize the Now, it’s all we’ve got.

What if, instead of waiting for another 5 years, you started working on your dream Now. How does that feel? What are you waiting for? There’s no better time than Now. I’ve read about this concept so many times lately, in many different places but I really only got it yesterday. I realized it’s really a matter of belief. We put things off not because we are planning ahead, but because we’re scared. We’re scared if we can do it; if it’ll work; if we’ll be happy; if we’ll meet the right person. OK, that’s understandable. Acknowledge your fear, and start Now anyways.

‪#‎StartMyBusinessToday‬ with Judi Rhee Alloway
‪#‎Life‬-Change Coach


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