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Rejected for funding? Write your Step #3: #BankableBusinessPlan @WomensBizCoop


Dear Aspiring & Current Entrepreneurs,

How’s your funding situation?
These days entrepreneurs scribble a couple of notes on a napkin and pivot until they make it or their business idea fails. They are flying by the seat of their pants and wonder why their best laid out plans on a napkin went up in flames.
Many entrepreneurs don’t write a #BankableBusinessPlan.
What’s 5 differences between a napkin and a #BankableBusinessPlan?

  1. Structure
  2. Timelines
  3. Marketing Strategy
  4. Viable Business Model
  5. Financials

And the most important difference is you can hand #BankableBusinessPlan to a funder!
With a napkin you can only hand her a plate or something to drink.

You can continue to put out fires in your House of Napkins or get yourself help that you need from 6 experts on Marketing, Accounting, Legal, Websites, Operations, and Funding for your business idea to succeed.
Apply to our #StartMyBusinessToday Program today! Learn from 6 experts to write a #BankableBusinessPlan. 
We hope to help you! Thank you for helping us reach our goal more than 1,000 women-owned businesses.
-Judi and the Imagine Team


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