Cup of T.E.A. with Trust the Universe on the Tag

What’s your favorite tea?

I love to drink TEA throughout my day:

Thoughts Emotions Actions

Curious about your favorite cup?


Same Stuff – Different Day

Dear Leader,

Worried about what’s next?

The same old drone that’s lulling you to sleep…

Are you ready for new challenges?

It’s time to grow and take those next steps!

Why are you still waiting?

From the launch of a new product or service to a strategic sale, you’ll be poised and ready for success.

Thank you for being you!

Yours in Service,


Judi and the Imagine Team

Top Woman Innovator, Award-Winning Certified Professional Coach & Business Consultant
“Be the leader that you seek…Love a better world.”

More Strategic Planning Made Easy at:
Who is Judi Rhee Alloway? at:

P.S.: Discover more:
1. Organizational Success Chart
2. Chief Strategy Officer Details
3. Strategic Planning Event Checklist
4. Complimentary 15 Minute Discovery Session


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