Dear Leader,
Thank you for your continued support of our award-winning Women’s Biz Coop!
Don’t know what type of organization you’ll start? Got so many ideas? Hard to pick one? Don’t know the process of getting started?
We heard you!
Client: Judi, I’ve got this great idea for a business, but I don’t know if it will work.
Judi & Imagine Team: The only way you’ll know if it will work is if you start it. We can’t guarantee your success. We can only give you the tools, resources, and network to help you. Your success solely depends on you, yet we are here to help you every step of the way…
Wonder Wo/man, looking for great ideas for your #PerfectFit side hustle business? And how to know it’s the right one for you?
We’ve got you covered!
Why don’t you learn how your behavior affects your success from the Creator of Wonder Woman himself, Dr. William Marston?!
Over the next 26 weeks, each week we’ll cover:
1. #PerfectFit Side Hustle Business Ideas per your DISC Behavioral Style;
2. Ranges of what you can expect to earn;
3. Assessments to figure out your areas of strengths and improvement;
4. Easy next steps to get you moving forward.
• Read our Think: Blog Posts for your DISC Type
• Listen to our new Podcast channel
• Subscribe to our new YouTube channel
Stressed while working? Know why.
- A person’s behavior is often the strongest predictor of fit; whether that be within a particular job, as the member of a team or as the leader of an organization. So how do you fit in with the team?
- Aspiring entrepreneur? Many people want who want to start an organization don’t even realize that these Assessments can help them discover what they need to learn to help them successfully launch their organization.
- Existing entrepreneur? Many startups and non-profits overlook this valuable tool for themselves that can help them in creating a better functioning team and earning more revenue and donations.
Based off your behavior, how do you mainly act at work: WithLow Drive? With High Influence? Low Steadiness or Low Compliance?
Don’t know? Take our DISC Assessment!
- This week we explore High I for Connectors
- How much can you expect to make with your #PerfectFit Side Hustle?
- Take Online Surveys ($.25 to $50 for each completed survey) Love to fill out surveys? Like to check out your phone on breaks? Enjoy receiving gift cards?
- Tester or Reviewer ($14/hr) Love to test and review products? Like to list pros and cons? Enjoy working online?
- The #PerfectFit side hustle will be a natural congruence of your behavior, your motivation, your learning styles, your personality, your skills, and what you love to do.
Which is right for you?
Already know your DISC? Need a more complete picture of what motivates you?
3. Download more information about our Core Assessments
4. Complete our DISC & Motivators
Take the DISC Assessment!                         Take all 5 Core Assessments!
Stay connected with us.
- Read our Blogs.
- Listen to our Podcast on SoundCloud
- Watch our YouTube videos
Feel more innovative! Create and build your new self.
Be more innovative to get yourself to the other side.
Figure out who you are more before you make your move.
Yes, we just saved you years of heartache and headache ~ and personal and professional stress!
Thank you for continuing to support us!
Yours in Service,
Judi and the Imagine Team
Top Woman Innovator, Award-Winning Certified Professional Coach & Business Consultant
“Be the leader that you seek…Love a better world.”
Think. Believe. Do. at: https;//
Who is Judi Rhee Alloway? at:
P.S. Want more from us? Upgrade your WBC membership to Supporter, Advocate, Benefactor, or Wonderful!
P.S.S.: Already know in your gut? Get started today with #StartMyBusinessToday: 12 Steps in Twelve Weeks.