Now don't get me wrong, as an entrepreneur I understand very well cashflow is oxygen, as a certain someone keeps reminding me. And if you are sick or dying, medical help and being able to pay for it is very important. But what’s really important to people who are...
You Are Only As Strong As Your Foundation
by Judi Rhee Alloway | #StartMyBusinessToday | 0 Comments
The terrifying and wonderful thing about starting your own first business is that you are doing everything for the first time. You get so excited to get to step B, then it's like now what? There is no textbook for running your own business because every situation is...
Action is Confidence
by Judi Rhee Alloway | #StartMyBusinessToday | 0 Comments
Funny thing about confidence. You have to believe you can do things you've never done before, in able to actually do them. Which means going against reality in a way. Then again if you look at history and nature's evolution, lot of things have evolved that have never...
Who loves to crunch numbers? STEP #4 Market Research. Free WBC Membership. 0% Loan
by Judi Rhee Alloway | #StartMyBusinessToday | 0 Comments
Dear Aspiring & Current Entrepreneurs, Who loves to crunch numbers? If you are an aspiring or current business owner, you are definitely comfortable with crunching numbers. How big is industry?Who are your 3 Target Markets? What’s your Market Share? In case you...
What’s your #1? Step #5: Products & Service. Free 1 day pass @TheHivePhilly for #QueenBees
by Ankha Stanley | #StartMyBusinessToday | 0 Comments
Dear Aspiring & Current Entrepreneurs,What’s your #1 Product or Service? Many business owners dedicate months to craft the perfect Products and Services, but which one is worth your effort and time? Through our dynamic #StartMyBusinessToday dynamic process, we...
What’s your #1? Step #5: Products & Service. Free 1 day pass @TheHivePhilly for #QueenBees
by Ankha Stanley | #StartMyBusinessToday | 0 Comments
Dear Aspiring & Current Entrepreneurs,What’s your #1 Product or Service? Many business owners dedicate months to craft the perfect Products and Services, but which one is worth your effort and time? Through our dynamic #StartMyBusinessToday dynamic process, we...
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