Hi Aspiring Entrepreneur, Absolutely done working for someone else? Looking for an effective process to start an organization? How about building a system that works for you? How about a 12 step process constructed to write a business plan that gets funded? Using a...
Who Can Help You Start a Business or NPO?
by Ankha Stanley | #StartMyBusinessToday, Believe, Do, Think | 0 Comments
Hi Aspiring Entrepreneur, Do you feel that you’ve been destined to help others by starting an organization? Who would you help? How would your life, theirs, and your community change? You’ve seen your friends and family completely change their lives, why not you? You...
Nine Ways To Tactfully Turn A Potential Client Away From Your Business
by Ankha Stanley | Forbes Articles, Think | 0 Comments
Read this article on Forbes.com! Not all business is created equal. Especially if you’re starting out with your coaching practice, turning away clients may feel counterintuitive. However, as members of Forbes Coaches Council imply below, it’s the professional thing to...
12 Signs A Manager Needs Outside Help
by Ankha Stanley | Forbes Articles, Think | 0 Comments
Read this article on Forbes.com! Some managers might tell you that knowing how to fix a people problem is an art form. At times though, such situations can benefit from outside perspectives. As a manager, how do you know when to try to fix a people problem on one of...
Need business idea clarity? Get 4 Assessments from #StartMyBusinessToday E-Book
by Judi Rhee Alloway | Think | 0 Comments
Dear aspiring and current entrepreneurs, Why haven’t you started or expanded your business? We’ve heard from many of you that didn't take that leap to start your business. Here are the common responses: “I’m not sure of my business idea.” Of course, nobody knows what...
#StartMyBusinessToday starts 8/31
by Judi Rhee Alloway | Think | 0 Comments
In my travels around the country, I talk to women all of the time that want to start a business, make an impact and give their families a better standard of living. They are so excited about it! There's a spark in their eye, when they dream of their new business…. But...
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