
Individual Assessments

Organizational Assessments

Exclusive Assessments

Strategic Plans

Individual Strategic Plans

Organizational Strategic Plans

Exclusive Strategic Plans

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OMG (Recovery) Ripple Results

“Doubled to Tripled Revenues”

I thought more about what we talked about last week and you were right on so many levels. I fought you on it but it was and still is very hard for me to admit. Sometimes it also hard to see clearly. I have grown and changed so much since starting this company and the past year and a half since working with you. Wow! It is hard to believe I have been doing this that long. In many ways I am excited that I have made it this far and that I’ve doubled to tripled my revenue year over year.”

Bill, Achiever

Laid Off to Entrepreneur, Sewell, NJ

“Opened my Heart and Eyes”

It’s been an absolute pleasure and enlightening experience working with you. You have touched my heart, opened my eyes to some outdated behaviors and habits that no longer serves me. I thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do for me and others. I celebrate the powerful woman that you are.”

B., Connector

Entrepreneur, Seattle, WA

“Give Form to a New Path”

I am in a place where my business is shifting. I have been listening to my heart and to a feeling that I need to re-articulate my business. I need to bounce back all my ideas — what I have done, and what keeps showing up. I feel it is time to pull together a clear and concise version of what I offer. I am looking to bounce and massage these ideas to give form to a new path. I am not looking to create a business plan or marketing plan yet. I need to get clarity and focus.

I thought of you because of your marketing experience and your world view. It seems that when I talk to other peeps, they all have a particular personal way they think I should go. All good intentions but one-sided. I know you are super busy and if you don’t have the time, I totally understand. If you are interested, let me know your availability and your consultation fee, and we can take it from there.”

Damini, Dreamer

Acupuncturist, Author & Entrepreneur, Berwyn, PA

“Back in the Right Flow”

Some opportunities have surfaced since then, 1. I’m in demand and people want to hire me (work for someone else again, arghhh! But I’m in demand, why not share myself?) and 2. Clients want to start paying.  So I’ve been in the process of doing a resume, updating my portfolio and researching the right companies that would be a fit for me, and keeping clients happy.  But I’m still going to be entrepreneur but just one with a day job.  I have a product that may need investors and I’m still keeping my web consulting business.  I know your coaching is effective and I am making sure that I have cleared the path to go on this journey.”

Pamela, Organizer

Entrepreneur with a Day Job, Philadelphia, PA

Yang, Yin & New Power

WBC Exclusive Products

WBC Exclusive Assessments and Strategic Plans guide, support, empower and inspire Yang, Yin, and New Power. 


Put together a cohesive snapshot of your Brand. Create a more professional product and service. Understand what needs to be changed to reflect your value.


See where your team thrives. Understand where your team needs improvement. Course correct and poise yourself for new authentic success!


Combine traditional Yang 4Ps to 7Ps and Yin trauma-based marketing to figure out where and why you lose customers. 


Look objectively at your Operations. Learn where your Ops slow down. Implement a better process.


Learn about Yang AIDA and Yin CCEI Sales Funnels to close the gaps in your Sales Cycle.


Calculate where you are profitable. Figure out where you are losing money. Retool your model.

Social Media

Apply your New Power Sales Cycle to your 3Ts to make social media strategy and execution manageable. 


Calculate your numbers. See where you can get more funding. Add more fun for your funding attraction.

WBC Exclusive Products

Understand your baseline Comfort Zone in your Yang Power Paradigm.

Learn about your Growth Zone in your Yin Power Paradigm.

Manifest OMG Ripple Results in your Miracle Zone in your New Power Paradigm.

Choose WBC Exclusive Assessments OR Strategic Plans for your Brand, Marketing, Sales, Social Media, Culture, Operations, Model or Funding.



Comfort Zone

Yang Power Paradigm is our collective Comfort Zone, based on fear and control. Like patriarchal chimpanzees, we climb up the ladder, competing for “not enough” time, money, success, and freedom.


Growth Zone

Yin Power Paradigm is our Growth Zone, based on storge and philia love, choice, authentic success, and true freedom. Like matriarchal bonobos, we share what’s on the ground with “enough” time, money, success and freedom.


Miracle Zone

New Power Paradigm is our Miracle Zone, based on both Yang and Yin Power. Like matrilineal macaque or snow monkeys with all female in the trees, male on the ground and mixed groups, we connect, calibrate, educate and inspire the “hundred monkey effect” of affectionate playfulness agape love.

As we “see no evil, hear, no evil and speak no evil,” we manifest our (Sober) Abundant Lives with “more than enough” OMG (Recovery) Ripple Results!


“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” 

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. 

“I don’t much care where–” said Alice. 

“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat. 

“–so long as I get SOMEWHERE,” Alice added as an explanation. 

“Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long enough.”

How do you know where you are going, if you don’t know where you are?

We offer Assessments to experience where you are and Strategic Plans to confidently move to where you are going.

With 3 types of Individual, Organizational and WBC Exclusive Assessments and Strategic Plans, you glide with ease,  smoothly, grace, and quickly.

Our WBC Exclusive Assessments and Strategic Plans are uniquely tailored for your Brand, Marketing, Sales, Social Media, Culture, Marketing, Model and Funding.

Our WBC Exclusive Strategic Plans integrate your Comfort Zone in the Yang and your Growth Zone in Yin Power Paradigm to create your Miracle Zone in the New Power Paradigm!

We’ve got answers!

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between an Assessment and Strategic Plan?

Are you curious, where are you now? Buy an Assessment.

Interested in where you are going? Purchase a Strategic Plan. Our Strategic Plans are 20-30 pages more than our Assessments.

Exhilarated about where you are now and how far you’ll go? Invest in both Assessments and Strategic Plans.

For DISC, Learners, Motivators, Emotional Intelligence (EIQ) and Sales IQ Assessments and related Strategic Plans, you receive 2 emails: 1 an order confirmation. Please respond with your team members emails. You’ll receive 1 additional email for each one of your team members with an active link to complete within 24 hours.

If you and your team can’t complete your ordered Assessments and Strategic Plans within 24 hours, please Contact Us, email at, call or text us at 1.833.WBC.LOVE (1.833.922.5683), or reach out to us on our @WomensBizCoop social media. 

What’s a WBC Exclusive Assessment or Strategic Plan?

Our WBC Exclusive Assessment or Strategic Plan concentrates on 6 verticals, or departments: Brand, Marketing, Sales, Social Media, Culture, Operations, Model and Funding.

We discovered that most Strategic Planning looked at the entire organization as a whole, yet a leader “with the greatest knowledge” needs to examine the parts, verticals or departments to discover the greatest needs and find true clarity about your organization.

I received my/our Report, but I don’t understand. How can I buy Individual Coaching?

Any report can be challenging to understand. With our WBC Coaches, you can easily figure out your areas of strengths and improvements to become a better leader.

In our Shop, you can purchase an Individual Coaching Debrief in addition to more Assessments and Strategic Plans to get clear about the bigger picture of you and your leadership.

I lead a Team. How can I purchase Group Coaching along with a Group Coaching Debrief?

Congratulations on leading a Team! We get that each team has its unique challenges and strengths, like each individual.

Besides buying a Group Coaching to move you easily, smoothly, gracefully, and quickly through your team’s challenges and greater strengths, we also recommend purchasing our Individual Coaching for yourself. 

Getting additional outside help and an objective outsider to move your team forward with Group Coaching, plus Individual Coaching to overcome your FAILs makes the process much easier for you and your team.

How can I/we buy multiple Assessments and Strategic Plans for my/our Team?

Congratulations on leading a Team! We get that each team has its unique challenges and strengths, like each individual.

We offer a 25% off volume pricing discount for over 10 Assessments or Strategic Plans.

For a Coupon Code, please Contact Us, email at, call or text us at 1.833.WBC.LOVE (1.833.922.5683), or reach out to us on our @WomensBizCoop social media. 

Choose your adventure

Start Your Journey Today

We got you! Starting a journey takes new skills, courage, bravery, and patience.

It’s a lot to process and easy to feel overwhelmed with competing thoughts, not knowing where to even begin.

Your Financial destiny. Loving yourself. Team optimization. Organizational culture. Personality test. Meditate. Mindfulness. Rejuvenate. Start a business. Clarify your message. Women mentoring program. Digital marketing strategy. Growth strategies. Group business coaching. Restore. Business Plan. Interpersonal Skills. Scaling your business. Invest in your business. Conscious business.

Let it go. Trust your intuition. Let us guide you to the right path.